This is my simple photo journal. I like to take pictures and once a month or more, I load them onto this blog so that we can remember some of our family highlights.


Game and Lunch

First Volleyball game of the season.
Victoria and Meg..."best brace-faced friends."
Meg just got these beauties on last week.

Meg never missed a serve

She even did all of them over-hand

She is on a pretty good little team that won all 3 games today.

At Meg's level of volleyball, 
you must sit back & relax---there isn't a lot of action.

This would be the look Isaac was sporting today.
(This is what happens with your youngest)

After the game, we hit Moreno's
(NW corner of Broadway and Horne)

Yummy street tacos and vampiros (mini-tostadas)

 Bottomless pit 

 Ike is smiling because he was big 
and ate something with onions on it.
Big...I mean HUGE deal for him...earned him a high 5 from Dad.