This is my simple photo journal. I like to take pictures and once a month or more, I load them onto this blog so that we can remember some of our family highlights.


With no school today (April Break) we thought it would be a good time to get Cole's braces put on. He went in at 7 a.m. and came out 3 hours later with these beauties. This is his second set. Just before Kindergarten, he had a bad bike accident and it messed up his gum line and teeth from properly growing in, so we put braces on and it corrected it.
After braces were done, he went straight to Ukulele class. Their great instructor, Adam, is leaving for a mission this summer. This was a jam session to get them comfortable and ready for their upcoming recital. Thanks to Adam, Ben, and Uai for running such a great ukulele course for these boys. Thanks to Aunt Janet for being the best hostess, Uke tuner, and jamba juice provider. They'll always remember this fun class!