This is my simple photo journal. I like to take pictures and once a month or more, I load them onto this blog so that we can remember some of our family highlights.


Change in the Weather

We love the Rain! In Arizona, we soak up any change from a sunny, cloudless sky. These colorful suits were purchased four years ago after a very wet Disneyland trip. We loved that the rain scared off the crowds, but we hated being cold and wet, so we came prepared the next year. The above picture was taken four years ago

Sadly Cole has outgrown his (by choice) and so we made some color reassignments. Meg had to keep orange, she said it just suits her the best. One thing was certain, today wasn't one of our warm monsoon rains. It was like taking a cold shower. About 5-10 minutes they came sloshing, shivering back into the house.