This is my simple photo journal. I like to take pictures and once a month or more, I load them onto this blog so that we can remember some of our family highlights.


Home Movies

 There is nothing quite like old home movies.
Pictures are great, but one dimensional....
Videos are such a great transporter to the past.

Lately, we have been on a kick, watching them every Sunday morning.

Ike never tires of watching....unlike his neighbor over there.
I think part of it is that he likes to see what went on before he came on the scene.

If I could go back in time I would do less running commentary and
reign in my laugh more.  

I kinda cringe when I hear myself is a bit too hearty.

Also, I wouldn't video the whole 30 minute Kindergarten performance--
8 songs all start to sound the same.  
I have hours and hours of school and singing group performances.
 We push the fast forward button on those after about 30 seconds.  
Our favorite things to watch and re-watch are the every day things like my little ones telling a story, or putting on a circus show for us and when I was sneaky enough to capture the kids playing without seeing a video peeking around the corner.