When I look back on this stage of raising kids, volleyball will be wedged in there.
A volleyball laying around the house, tournaments, jerseys, spandex, knee pads--
the kids out bump/hitting to each other in the front yard.
This season, Meg and Summer have been playing club volleyball...on the same 14s team.
Some parts of that work great, and some...well, not so much.
This is the "volcano eruption" cheer to get things started.
Earlier in the season...it was the best part of the match.
To highlight how different my girls are.....
Meg reminds me to bring my camera and Summer asks that I leave it home.
Walking a tight rope, I tell ya.
This week, Summer will have foot surgery.
She developed a bunion when we were training together for a 10k race.
I thought we would see a podiatrist for orthotics, but when the x-ray came back he told us that she has a deformed foot that will only get worse without the help of surgically fixing her big toe.
This kid has had so many problems with her toes, ankles, joints.
This team has officially graduated from "Bad News Bear" status to a real team.
It is has been fun to watch them improve and when they win a game..it is a huge deal. I think we may have the loudest cheering section.

Because Meg is 12 and has never played club, we told the coaches to just have her be a practice player. However, she has seen a lot more game action than we anticipated.
My brother Chad has been one of the coaches. What a champ he has been.
He had no idea what he was getting himself into (: