These are some of my favorite boys. I enjoy having them around. Cole likes to get the group together for air soft wars (that explains the firearm on my dinner table). Air soft guns are the modern version of the BB gun, just with hallow plastic pellets. They can probably shoot your eye out, but still a better alternative to the BB. I use to have BB gun wars with my brother Clint, Jason and Richard Bagley vs. the MCain boys. There was no mercy shown, but it sure was exhilirating.
I am so thankful for Cole and the good choices he makes in his life and the friends he has. My heart kind of aches when I drive by the junior high, that he will be entering in a few months, and think "why would any parent send their child here?" I just have to remember that Cole has a great sense of who he is and where he is going. I hope he always stays golden.