We just celebrated Chad and Carissa's marriage in SLC.
It was a beautiful and perfect day.
Nieces and Nephew patiently waited for the arrival of the newlyweds.
I couldn't keep my eyes and camera off this glowing couple.
My siblings.
Bridgette, Adam, Michele, Chad, Clint, Aryn, Me
Sampson Family (Sister Aryn)
After the temple we met in Alpine for the luncheon and reception
So beautifully put together.
So a little background on this silhouette.
When Chad proposed to Carissa in the airport (funny story in itself) an older couple had been watching.
Right after he asked her--- this thoughtful couple snapped a picture on their phone....unbeknownst to Chad and Carissa.
When the proposal and tender moment had passed,
they told them that they had taken a picture and could send it to his phone.
(This is the picture below)
So to preserve that moment forever, Chad had it painted onto a canvas by
the talented Audrey Coons and surprised Carissa with it at their luncheon.

Bridgette, Corey and Baby Jensen
Carlee and my brother Adam.
Cousin Brooke and Aunt Arlene and Uncle Randy
My great and talented aunts that are usually behind the scenes creating beautiful weddings and events....
Robyn Fullager and Jennifer Hall