This is my simple photo journal. I like to take pictures and once a month or more, I load them onto this blog so that we can remember some of our family highlights.



 We are all about intimidating defense.  
This particular move is the eagle swoop 

The prey is cornered

This stare went on a little too long...poor Zane Mason was on the receiving end of this one.


15 Today

15 years ago...
About an hour after he was born,
the nurse rolled him back to my hospital room in his little wheeled carrier
and I heard this little cry come from the bundle inside.
In that very instant I was overwhelmed with joy and love for this child ......
 I was a mother.
I can remember it as if it were yesterday.

 Happy Birthday Cole.


Valentine Dance

My mother- in- law is a Cox and her side of the family are great about holding family gatherings and keeping traditions. 
They have been holding a Valentine Dance at least as long as Tom has been alive (40 years).  
My kids look forward to it every year.  They teach everyone all kinds of dances and it is a lot of fun. 

I know it looks like a ward party, right?

Of course Isaac just hates these kinds of things

The balloon waltz

Papa taking it all in with a grin

My mother in law and her siblings....all but one brother were there tonight
Good people with big hearts

Kathy, Pam, Dottie, Annamarie, Camille, Bruce, Anita, Carolyn

Valentines Day is a great time to put in writing the things that you love and appreciate about one another.
We don't do anything elaborate.....heart shaped pancakes for breakfast and love notes.   
There is really nothing I like better than getting a heart felt note from my kids or husband.
I really do.

Isaac gets embarrassed that he can't spell everything correctly, but that is what makes it all the better.....



Meg's class participated in yesteryear today.  The day is dedicated to living like the pioneers did.

They pan for gold

 Take a shave

do some wash

 Grind wheat

Enjoy some dutch oven biscuits and buffalo stew.
This was taken right before one kid had a huge snot rope blow out of his nose which then made another kid start to throw up the buffalo stew.......and I am no help in situations involving those two things colliding.  I begin dry heaving and have to take a walk to get in under control.

Square Dancing was my favorite to watch with no buffalo stew, snot and throw-up
I loved watching these two do the Virginia Reel

Covered Wagon ride and boy did he make it authentic by taking us off road and running the horses.
I got a serious attack of the giggles.

I admire a wagon driver with a seat like that!

Pioneer games

 This race started a brawl between the boys in the right hand side of the photo.

Overall.....a great school activity