This is my simple photo journal. I like to take pictures and once a month or more, I load them onto this blog so that we can remember some of our family highlights.


Homecoming Date

His first school dance/date.
Thank you for humoring your mother ...

...even throwing in a smile for the paparazzi 
(It's nice to have some happy cooperation)

Cole took the lovely Natalie Kempton to MVT Homecoming.
This was one of those "circle of life" experiences for me

Tom was very thorough with dating etiquette and then Cole got another dose from me.
We just couldn't pass up this perfect opportunity 
to teach our 16 year old how to be a good date.

Also, it was kind of hard for Tom and I not to micro-manage this first dance/ date--
 like the group size, dinner location, post-dance activity. 
We kept hoping he would ask for our "suggestions" ---nope.
However, after  some time passed we realized that this is the perfect time and way for Cole to learn.

The Group

It sure is a nice thing to really like your kid's friends.

This corsage picture cracks me up because it is my attempt to act like I had a game plan for pictures.
(I really didn't plan to be the photographer)
I really don't like to think up the poses and shots.  I prefer to capture a moment.

Shout out to my assistant that was helping me while getting eaten alive by mosquitos.