Evening in Excellence
We decided on DOTS for our Evening in Excellence theme.
(DOTS=Daughters Obeying the Savior)
(DOTS=Daughters Obeying the Savior)
My friend and Mia Maid leader, Melody Larsen,
came up with so many great ideas to help develop this theme.
She said she woke up in the middle of the night and they all came to her.
We held a Polka Dot Picnic at the church and
asked them to wear polka dots if they had them.
This was our program
(front and back cover)
I snapped photos (head shots) of each girl right after church.
It took me about 3 Sundays to get everyone.
I love having a picture of them all grouped together.
I keep a copy on my phone and love to look at each of those beautiful faces.
However, the real reason I took the photos is so that I could make a dot-to-dot picture of each of them.
I found a website that made it easy. If you're interested click here.
I found that if I downloaded the photos into Facebook and copied them from there it worked
(It only took me hours to figure that one out)
"When we connect all the dots through obedience we can clearly see the whole picture"

I have 30 yw so this took about 2-3 hours to do.
I did a few each night over a week.
We displayed the dot-to-dots on a refrigerator box opened up and covered in wrapping paper.
We went crazy with our polka- dot theme and picnic.
It was so fun.
Thanks to Summer for grabbing my camera and taking some photos
while I was preoccupied with other things.
Thanks to Summer for grabbing my camera and taking some photos
while I was preoccupied with other things.
Melody made these centerpieces to hold the balloons.
Really everyone needs a Melody to work with.
The picnic dinner was placed in these polka-dot bags. It included a turkey/ham sandwich,
chips, pasta salad, and a chocolate chip cookie. We had water bottles to drink.
dressings and condiments were served on the side.
It made for an easy and quick clean-up at the end.
As they were leaving we gave them a box of DOTS candy.
It was packaged with a polka-dot flower clip for their hair.
I am sorry I did not snap a photo of it.
Melody did a great job putting them together.