This is my simple photo journal. I like to take pictures and once a month or more, I load them onto this blog so that we can remember some of our family highlights.


The start of a Tradition

This weekend, we took Cole up for conference with the Shills. This is a tradition we hope to do with each of our kids when they turn 12. It was a great experience and we loved sharing it with Cole. We look forward to next year with Summer.

Priesthood Session

We threw a little fun in on Friday. We rented segways and rode all around the downtown, Gateway mall, the capitol, and temple square. It was a blast. I highly recommend it.

It only took about 1 minute to get the hang of it and we were off. You get the segway to move by shifting your body weight. You soon begin to move it without even thinking about cool
We enjoyed perfect weather on Friday and then the rains hit SLC, but we loved it the same. I love this boy. I love being his mom and watching him grow.