This is my simple photo journal. I like to take pictures and once a month or more, I load them onto this blog so that we can remember some of our family highlights.


Spring has Arrived

Soaking it up, while we can. The window and doors stay open, the kids are outside, and the first hint of orange blossoms are in the air. Spring is here for a very short visit.
Track & Field
I got to cheer on my kids in track and field this week. Cole brought home a blue ribbon for the 50 yard dash. Don't you just love a good foot race. Cole is quick on his feet, you should see him round the bases in baseball. I just love the great smile his competitor gave my camera.
Cole's grade has a lot of really good boys (the teachers have made mention of it since the 3rd grade). Unfortunately, Cole's best bud is going to a different junior-high and high school. That is one big bummer about not going to your neighborhood school.

Summer had a great day too. A couple weeks ago she received a small rib fracture and separated her AC joint (shoulder)in gymnastics. Despite the injuries, she toughed it out and grinned almost the entire time.

Cheering section. Meg, Jaydee, and Gwen came out during recess to watch.
This is Isaac with the Denham kids. These little ones sit through many events, games, performances that our older kids are in together. Good thing we like eachother.