
This and That

A few highlights and lowlights.

The weather is still hot and it kinda makes me feel grumpy.
I believe we will be in bathing suites until Christmas.
Um...just wanted to point out Cole's hair cut....look to your left.

On the second day of school,  Tom took the boys to a barber to get hair-cuts.
Cole got the new guy and subsequently got a bit butchered.  
My sister asked me if Cole got a mow hawk.  
 "Of course not."
And then I found these pictures that Summer had snapped.
Needless to say, Cole was not happy strutting the halls of high-school with this lid.

I thought if I showed him rice krispies are now offered gluten-free-- 
it would help him forget the hair,
but it didn't.  
Oh well, hair grows.

My girls got to have some bonus tennis lessons from Jia.
She did an intern at Tom's office this summer.  I loved hearing Jia stories from Tom.  She had a darling way of phrasing things in English.   If I were back in college I would definitely want to be her BFF.
(She was professionally ranked in China, went to BYU Hawaii on a tennis scholarship and 
joined the church.  I was sad that she wouldn't let us adopt her.)

 We look forward to visits and evening swims with Griff.
(He is our niece, Molly's.)
It is the highlight of our day when he comes bouncing through the front door.

Our nephew came home from his mission this week.
I just love what missions do for these young men.
For 2 years they serve, sacrifice and do wonderfully hard things.
I can't imagine a better place for boys to become men.
(I can act tough since I have 3 1/2 years until I send Cole on one.)

In the middle of all this, I got reacquainted with my running shoes and the rising sun.
I literally hear a  cocka doodle do in the distance as I start jogging at the track.
I have to admit it makes me feel tough to be up with the rooster.
I begged my sister, Aryn, to humor me and meet me in the mornings.
She runs circles around me, but it helps to know I'll see her there.