This is my simple photo journal. I like to take pictures and once a month or more, I load them onto this blog so that we can remember some of our family highlights.


Being October 1st, Ike insisted and hounded me to get our Halloween decorations up. He began taking matters into his own hands and soon I had spooky pictures hung all over the walls, windows, and doors.
My excuse of it being too hot to go digging through the hot attic, ran out this evening. Right before nightfall, I braved the attic and brought down our little bucket of decor. We strung up the porch with cobwebs, hung our window shadows and adorned the door with our spooky wreathe. And to the delight of Ike, Tom came home with 4 big fat pumpkins. Now I just have 30 days of waiting and waiting and waiting with Isaac.